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Customize Roll Grooving Machine with Adjustable Height for Korean Clients.

Customize Roll Grooving Machine with Adjustable Height for Korean Clients.

Update Time:2024/3/2 16:10:46
Customize Roll Grooving Machine with Adjustable Height for Korean Clients.
Customize Roll Grooving Machine with Adjustable Height for Korean Clients.
The customer from South Korea requested a roll groove machine that can be used on uneven construction sites. After a detailed understanding of the customer's needs, it was discovered that when using the roll grooving machine on the construction site, the uneven ground prevents the creation of correct and perfect pipe grooves. Therefore, a product with adjustable leg height needs to be designed. The enginners immediately prepares the design drawings, which are confirmed by the customer, and production begins. Subsequently, the product is tested and shipped. After receiving the product, the customer provided very positive feedback and was highly satisfied with our design and quality. They also mentioned that they will purchase more equipment in the future.
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